Bender Finance — 2nd Generation Yield Farming

1 min readMar 9, 2021

If you are familiar with BSC yield farming, you must have heard of the famous food farm like Pancake, Kebab, or even the rug pulled Popcorn swap. All these platforms launched without a proper system like burning mechanism and timelock, and hope people will jump into the pool. We are taking this to the next level. We are now proposing a 2nd Generation yield farming mechanism that allows perpetual price increase with a sustainable and profitable farming yield with a timelock contract at launch!

1. Burning Mechanism

  • All farms take a 4% burn when you stake.
  • 4% will be used to purchase Bender Token.
  • Promote long term staking

2. Constant Price Pump

  • 4% burn will be used to purchase Bender Token from the various liquidity pools.
  • For example: If people staked BUSD-BNB LP, 4% of the LP tokens would be used to buy Bender Token.

3. Security

  • Removed migrator code (Inherited from Pancake swap)
  • Timelock already applied at launch! (24 hours)
  • Contracts are audited by TechRate
  • Contracts are forked from goosedefi which has been audited by Certik


